Developer Workflow
To participate in the OpenSn development, you will need to fork the upstream repo on GitHub. Go to OpenSn repo on GitHub and create your personal fork.
Then, clone the fork to the machine where you will be developing:
$ git clone<username>/opensn.git
where <username>
is your GitHub username.
This, assumes, you set up your SSH keys for accessing GitHub.
Your fork will be referred to as origin
(both in the git commands and in the text below).
Also set up an upstream
remote for pulling changes from the upstream repo you forked from.
$ git remote add upstream
OpenSn development uses pull request workflow which is common on GitHub.
This means all development is done on so-called feature branches.
Do not develop on the main
branch, you will most likely create problems for yourself down the road.
Do NOT merge main
into your feature branch.
C++ code should be formatted according to our
choices, found in the .clang_format file in the repository root.Lua input files must be formated using StyLua, see these instructions.
Python linting and style guide checking is performed using flake8 and our style guide configuration is found in the .flake8 file in the repository root.
Create a Branch
First, make sure you do not have any local changes:
$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Branch off of main
$ git checkout -b <branch name> main
Switched to a new branch '<branch name>'
Some tips on naming your branch:
Use lower-case letters.
Dashes (
) work better than underscores (_
).If working on an issue, you can name your branch
issue/<issue number>
Useful commands:
Action |
git command |
To get a list of branches |
To see your active branch |
Create a Commit
In git, you have to stage your changes first. Then you check in those changes locally, and it will form a commit (also referred to as a patch). Every commit has a SHA1 hash which uniquely identifies it in the repository. Here is an example:
commit <SHA1>
Author: A. U. Thor <>
Date: <Date>
Useful commands:
Action |
git command |
To add (stage) a new file |
To add (stage) modification on a file |
To add all new files and local changes |
To add only modified files |
To move a file |
To remove a file |
To see the status (staged, unstaged changes and non-tracked files) |
To commit locally |
The commit message should have this format:
Short description (up to 70 chars)
<empty line>
Detailed description. List as much useful and relevant information as possible.
This can have multiple lines and even paragraphs.
The detailed description will help a) the reviewer, b) in future when we forget what we did and will need to look it up. Even though the detailed description is optional, it is highly recommended that you take the time to write it.
Tips for creating commits:
You want your commits to be as small as possible, so they are easier (and therefore faster) to review.
Stay on one topic per commit.
Try not to do multiple things in one commit.
Do a series of patches rather than one big patch.
Useful commands:
Action |
git command |
To see what files have changed |
To look at list of commits |
To look at code changes made in commits |
To see local changes that were not staged yet |
Sending a Pull Request
When you think you are finished with your branch, send your changes for review.
Push the branch into your fork on GitHub
$ git push origin <branch name>
Enumerating objects: 38, done.
Counting objects: 100% (38/38), done.
Delta compression using up to 16 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (32/32), done.
Writing objects: 100% (32/32), 10.37 KiB | 5.19 MiB/s, done.
Total 32 (delta 13), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (4/4), completed with 4 local objects.
+ fffea64..f1b3ad0 <branch name> -> <branch name>
Go to<username>/opensn.git
Create a pull request to
At this point, someone will review your branch and possibly leave comments on what to fix.
Otherwise, your branch will be merged.
You will get a notification (email) in both cases.
If your branch was merged, you should go update your main
branch by pulling from the upstream
$ git checkout main
$ git pull upstream main
and you can delete your local branch with:
$ git branch -d <branch name>
Fixing your branch
The easiest way how to fix your branch is by using fixup commits (see fun with autosquash).
Go patch by patch and fix the code according to the reviewer comments.
Stage your changes. Typically
git add -u
will do.Do
git commit --fixup=<commit>
is the SHA1 hash of the patch you are fixing.Alternatively, you can use the aliases mentioned in the article.
Continue until all is fixed.
Now, do
git rebase --interactive --autosquash main
. This will open an editor. Save the file you see. Quit the editor, and let git do the hard work.If all went right, you will have your branch fixed. You can look at it by:
git log -p
.Push your fixed up branch:
git push -f
Useful commands:
Action |
git command |
Create a fixup patch |
Add staged changes to the top-most commit |
Updating Your Branch
If you wish to use the latest main
branch (assuming it changed since you started your branch), you will have to rebase your branch on top of it, i.e.:
$ git checkout main
$ git pull upstream main
$ git checkout <my-branch-name>
$ git rebase main
Note: You will most likely run into conflicts that you will have to resolve.
Squashing Commits
If you are told to squash your commits, do:
$ git rebase -i main
This will open an editor with a list of commits.
Change pick
to f
for all but the first commit. It should look like this:
pick <sha1> Short description
f <sha1> Some description
f <sha1> Some other description
Save the file and quit the editor. Git will squash all commits into one.
You can edit the commit message if you want to by using git commit --amend
Then push the changes to your fork:
$ git push -f
This assumes you followed this guide and worked in your branch branch name
and not in main