3. Install on MacOS
The following instructions assume that all the prerequisite software packages will be installed by hand. These packages may also be installed via Homebrew or MacPorts.
3.1. Step 1 - Install GCC
brew install gcc
This will generally install most recent version of gcc
to /usr/local/bin
In this directory, there will be links such as gcc-13
, g++-13
, and
pointing to the Homebrew installation.
Note: gfortran
will be needed by PETSc to build its dependencies.
3.2. Step 2 - Install MPICH
Download a suitable version of MPICH 4+.
Versions above 4.0 are recommended.
Unpack the source into /path/to/mpich
. Assuming MPICH will be built in
and installed in /path/to/mpich/install
, execute the
following to configure, build, and install MPICH:
mkdir -p /path/to/mpich/build
cd /path/to/mpich/build
/path/to/mpich/configure \
--prefix=/path/to/mpich/install \
CC=gcc-13 CXX=g++-13 FC=gfortran-13 F77=gfortran-13 \
FCFLAGS=-fallow-argument-mismatch FFLAGS=-fallow-argument-mismatch
make -j<N>
make install
It is recommended by MPICH that the build and install directories be outside
the source tree /path/to/mpich
Check the installation:
/path/to/mpich/install/bin/mpicc --version
If the installation was successful, a message similar to
gcc-13 (Homebrew GCC 13.2.0) 13.2.0
Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
should appear. Ensure that the message displays the desired compilers.
If successful, set the following environment variables in the ~/.bashrc
export MPI_DIR="/path/to/mpich/install"
export PATH="${MPI_DIR}/bin:${PATH}"
export CC="${MPI_DIR}/mpicc"
export CXX="${MPI_DIR}/mpicxx"
export FC="${MPI_DIR}/mpifort"
export F77="${MPI_DIR}/mpif77"
3.3. Step 3 - Install PETSc
Download a suitable version of
The current supported version is
PETSc 3.17.0.
Unpack the source code into /path/to/petsc
Configure PETSc with the appropriate dependencies:
cd /path/to/petsc
./configure \
--prefix=/path/to/petsc/install \
--with-shared-libraries=1 \
--with-ssl=0 \
--with-debugging=0 \
--with-pic=1 \
--with-64-bit-indices=1 \
--download-hypre=1 \
--download-fblaslapack=1 \
--download-metis=1 \
--download-parmetis=1 \
--download-superlu_dist=1 \
--download-ptscotch=1 \
CFLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
CXXFLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
FFLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
FCFLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
F90FLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
F77FLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
COPTFLAGS='-O3 -march=native -mtune=native' \
CXXOPTFLAGS='-O3 -march=native -mtune=native' \
FOPTFLAGS='-O3 -march=native -mtune=native' \
If the configuration fails then consult PETSc’s user documentation.
Upon completion of the configure step, PETSc will provide the make command
that you should use. The addition of the build option OMAKE_PRINTDIR=make
may be required in some circumstances with GNU compilers.
After a successful build, PETSc will provide instructions for installing and checking the installations. Follow these instructions.
After a successful install, add the following environment variables to the
or ~/.bash_profile
export PETSC_ROOT="/path/to/petsc/install"
3.4. Step 4 - Install the Visualization Tool Kit
Download VTK 9.1.0 or
VTK 9.3.0
into a suitable location and upack it into /path/to/vtk
. Assuming VTK will
be built in /path/to/vtk/build
and installed in /path/to/vtk/install
, execute
the following to configure, build, and install VTK:
mkdir -p /path/to/vtk/build
cd /path/to/vtk/build
cmake \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/vtk/install \
make -j<N>
make install
After a successful install, set the following environment variables in the
or ~/.bash_profile
export VTK_DIR="/path/to/vtk/install"
3.5. Step 5 - Install Lua
Lua requires the readline and ncurses packages. If these are not installed, either install them from source or using Homebrew with:
brew install readline ncurses
Once installed, set the following environment variables in the ~/.bashrc
or ~/.bash_profile
export LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/readline/install/lib:${LIBRARY_PATH}"
export LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/ncurses/install/lib:${LIBRARY_PATH}"
export CPATH="/path/to/readline/install/include:${CPATH}"
export CPATH="/path/to/ncurses/install/include:${CPATH}"
Download Lua 5.4+ into a suitable location and
unpack it into path/to/lua
Lua 5.4.6 is recommended.
Execute the following to build and install Lua:
cd /path/to/lua
make macosx CC=gcc-<version> MYCFLAGS=-fPIC MYLIBS=-lncurses -j<N>
make install INSTALL_TOP=/path/to/lua/install
where <version>
is the GCC version installed via Homebrew.
After a successful installation, set the following environment variables in
the ~/.bashrc
or ~/.bash_profile
export LUA_ROOT="/path/to/lua/install"
3.6. Step 6 - Install Caliper
Download Caliper 2.10.0 or
into a suitable location and upack it into /path/to/caliper
. Assuming Caliper will
be built in /path/to/caliper/build
and installed in /path/to/caliper/install
, execute
the following to configure, build, and install Caliper:
mkdir -p /path/to/caliper/build
cd /path/to/caliper/build
cmake \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/caliper/install \
make -j<N>
make install
After a successful install, set the following environment variables in the
`~/.bashrc` or `~/.bash_profile` script:
export CALIPER_DIR="/path/to/caliper/install"
3.7. Step 7 - Clone OpenSn
Note: If you want to contribute to OpenSn, it is strongly recommended to first fork the OpenSn repository into your own Git account and then to clone your fork.
Clone the OpenSn repository or a fork:
git clone https://github.com/Open-Sn/opensn.git /path/to/opensn
git clone https://github.com/<username>/opensn.git /path/to/opensn
3.8. Step 8 - Configure and Build OpenSn
OpenSn is configured within a build directory with
cd /path/to/opensn
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
This will configure the project for building it. To configure with support for building the documentation use
cd /path/to/opensn
mkdir build
cd build
In general, the build directory will be within the source tree. Once configuration is complete, OpenSn can then be built within the build directory via
make -j<N>
Note: OpenSn may need to be reconfigured with dependency changes, the addition
of new files, etc. When this occurs, clear the build
directory and repeat
the configuration process above.
3.9. Step 9 - Run Regression Tests
To check if the code compiled correctly execute the test scripts:
cd /path/to/opensn
test/run_tests -j<N>
3.10. Step 10 - OpenSn Documentation
If you configured the OpenSn build environment with support for building the documentation (see Step 8), these instructions will help you install the necessary tools and build the documentation.
To generate the documentation from your local working copy of OpenSn, you need
to use pip3
to install the required Python packages:
pip3 install breathe myst-parser sphinx_rtd_theme
Then, from your build
directory, you can run the command make doc
to generate
the documentation:
cd build
make doc
Once the build process has completed, you can view the generated documentation by
in your favorite web browser.