1.6. Reading a 2D .obj file and extrude it

1.6.1. Reading the Mesh

We start by reading a 2D obj file that we will extrude. (See a previous tutorial for reading 2D obj file). We inserts 2 layers between z=0 and z=1.1, followed by 3 layers, between z=1.1 and z=2.1.

Finally, we export the mesh to a VTU file.

The resulting mesh and material layout is shown below:


The resulting mesh and partition is shown below:


-- Setup the mesh
meshgen = mesh.ExtruderMeshGenerator.Create({
  inputs = {
      filename = "./tri_2mat_bc_1542.obj",
  layers = { { z = 1.1, n = 2 }, { z = 2.1, n = 3 } },
  partitioner = mesh.PETScGraphPartitioner.Create({ type = "parmetis" }),
grid = meshgen:Execute()
mesh.ExportToPVTU(grid, "Extruded_mesh_only")

1.6.2. The complete input is below:

You can copy/paste the text below or look in the file named tutorials/meshing/extrusion.lua:

-- Setup the mesh
meshgen = mesh.ExtruderMeshGenerator.Create({
  inputs = {
      filename = "./tri_2mat_bc_1542.obj",
  layers = { { z = 1.1, n = 2 }, { z = 2.1, n = 3 } },
  partitioner = mesh.PETScGraphPartitioner.Create({ type = "parmetis" }),
grid = meshgen:Execute()

mesh.ExportToPVTU(grid, "Extruded_mesh_only")