5. Iterative Solution Algorithms

The Adams-Larsen review paper is a good reference for fast iterative schemes for discrete-ordinates particle transport calculations Adams and Larsen [AL02].

5.1. Multigroup Solution Process: Background

The transport equation needs to be solved for each group \(g\) (\(1 \le g \le G\)). In operator notation, this is written as

\[L_g \Psi_g = M \Sigma_{g\to g}\Phi_{g} + \sum_{g'<g} M \Sigma_{g'\to g}\Phi_{g'} + \sum_{g'>g} M \Sigma_{g'\to g}\Phi_{g'} + Q_{\text{ext},g } \,.\]
For fast groups, there is no upscattering and the transfer operator \(\Sigma_{g'\to g}\) is lower triangular and one simply solves
\[L_g \Psi_g = M \Sigma_{g\to g}\Phi_{g} + Q_g \,,\]

where the source term \(Q_g\)

\[Q_g = \sum_{g'<g} M \Sigma_{g'\to g}\Phi_{g'} + Q_{\text{ext},g}\]

is already known from downscattering from higher groups and from the external source definition.

For thermal groups, upscattering can become significant and thermal iterations (iteration index th) are required
\[L_g \Psi^{\text{(th+1)}}_g = M \Sigma_{g\to g}\Phi^{\text{(th+1)}}_{g} + Q^{\text{(th)}}_g\]

where the source term \(Q^{\text{(th)}}_g\) contains fully known contributions from the external source and downscattered particles, while the upscattering contributions have been lagged at the previous thermal iteration:

\[Q_g = \sum_{g'<g} M \Sigma_{g'\to g}\Phi_{g'} + \sum_{g'>g} M \Sigma_{g'\to g}\Phi^{\text{(th)}}_{g'} + Q_{\text{ext},g} \,.\]

5.2. Source Iteration and Krylov Solvers

For each group, scattering within-group must also be resolved. Omitting the group indexing for brevity, the within-group problem can be stated as follows

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} \text{Perform a transport sweep: } &\Psi = L^{-1} \left( M\Sigma \Phi + Q \right) \\ \text{Update the flux moments: }&\Phi = D \Psi \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(Q\) contains the external, downscattering, and upscattering contributions).

5.2.1. Source Iteration:

In the Source Iteration (SI) method Adams and Larsen [AL02], the flux moments are lagged at iteration \(i\) to yield the following iterative strategy

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} \Psi^{(i+1)} = L^{-1} \left( M\Sigma \Phi^{(i)} + Q \right) \\ \Phi^{(i+1)} = D \Psi^{(i+1)} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

SI therefore requires the action of \(L^{-1}\), known as a transport sweep. SI is known to converge slowly (i.e., requires many iterations) in configurations that have a large amount of scattering (i.e., when the scattering ratio is close to 1) and that are not leakage-dominated (i.e., when the domain is several mean-free-path thick).

Convergence checks are performed using differences in successive iterates \(\Phi^{(i+1)}\) and \(\Phi^{(i)}\), using L-2 norm or pointwise relative error. To avoid false convergence, a factor of 1-spectral radius is typically added

\[\frac{\| \Phi^{(i+1)} - \Phi^{(i)} \|}{\|\Phi^{(i+1)}\|} \le (1-\varrho) \texttt{tol} \,,\]

with tol the user-supplied tolerance and where the spectral radius is estimated as

\[\varrho = \frac{\| \Phi^{(i+1)} - \Phi^{(i)} \|}{\| \Phi^{(i)} - \Phi^{(i-1)} \|} \,.\]

5.2.2. Krylov Subspace Method:

The original problem can be recast as

\[\Phi = D L^{-1} \left(M\Sigma \Phi + Q_{\text{ext}}\right)\]


\[\left(I - D L^{-1} M\Sigma \right) \Phi = L^{-1} Q \,.\]

This linear system is of the typical “\(Ax=b\)” form where \(b=L^{-1} Q\) and requires one transport sweep on the source term and the global matrix \(A=I - D L^{-1} M\Sigma\) is not formed but only its action is required. Each action of \(A\) requires one transport sweep to evaluate the action of \(L^{-1}\). Krylov subspace methods, such as GMRes, can be employed in a matrix-free fashion to solve such a system Saad and Schultz [SS86], Saad [Saa03], Patton and Holloway [PH96], Guthrie et al. [GHP99], Oliveira and Deng [OD98], Warsa et al. [WWM04], Fichtl et al. [FWP09].

5.3. Within-group Acceleration

In optically thick regions with a significant amount of scattering, the Source Iteration process can be slow. From spectral error analyses, the slowest-decaying error modes are diffusive modes. Hence, the idea to accelerate the SI procedure with a low-order synthetic accelerator Adams and Larsen [AL02], Morel [Mor82], Larsen [Lar84].

We proceed by presenting an iteration of SI, solved using a transport sweep:

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} \Psi^{(i+1/2)} = L^{-1} \left( M\Sigma \Phi^{(i)} + Q \right) \\ \Phi^{(i+1/2)} = D \Psi^{(i+1/2)} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

The equation satisfied by the angular error \(\varepsilon\) and the moment error \(e\), defined as the difference between the exact solution and the current iteration \(\varepsilon^{(i+1/2)}=\psi-\Psi^{(i+1/2)}\) and \(e^{(i+1/2)}=\Phi- \Phi^{(i+1/2)}\), is

\[L \varepsilon^{(i+1/2)} = M \Sigma (\Phi- \Phi^{(i)} ) = M \Sigma e^{(i)} + M \Sigma (\Phi^{(i+1/2)} - \Phi^{(i)} ) \,.\]

The idea of synthetic acceleration is to replace the transport equation for the error by a low-order (often diffusion) approximation:

\[A \delta \Phi = M \Sigma (\Phi^{(i+1/2)} - \Phi^{(i)} ) \,,\]

where \(A\) is a low-order operator and \(\delta \Phi\) is the corrective term (no longer the true error) to be added to the latest values of the flux moments:

\[\Phi^{(i+1)} = \Phi^{(i+1/2)} + \delta \Phi \,,\]

before proceeding to the next Source Iteration. A synthetic accelerator must present some level of consistency in terms of spatial discretization with the original transport problem. In OpenSn, the operator \(A\) is a diffusion operator. The resulting Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration (DSA) equations are discretized with DGFEM as well, using the Modified Interior Penalty (MIP) formalism Wang and Ragusa [WR10], Turcksin and Ragusa [TR14].

5.4. Thermal Upscattering Acceleration

In low-leakage configurations containing materials with low neutron absorption (e.g., graphite or heavy water), the thermal iterations can converge very slowly, and acceleration is required. This acceleration process will be applied over all thermal groups at once and is based on the two-grid (TG) methods by Adams and Morel Adams and Morel [AM93], Hanus and Ragusa [HR20]. Akin to the spatial multigrid techniques, the TG method consists of two energy grids: a fine grid (corresponding to the thermal group structure) and a coarse grid (a single macro-group over the entire thermal range). Adams and Morel realized that the most slowly converging modes of the thermal iterative scheme have weak spatial, angular, and energy variation, and hence, a single spatial diffusion solve on the coarse energy grid combined with an infinite medium energy spectrum should provide a good estimate for accelerating a previous transport iterate. The TG method consists of the following steps:

  1. A loop over all thermal groups to obtain a new multigroup flux iterate: \(\phi^{\text{(th+1/2)}}_g\). The within-group transport problem may be fully or partially converged and within-group acceleration may be applied. This is the standard process of one thermal iteration

  2. The TG acceleration is applied

    1. by performing a macro-group diffusion solve (with appropriately thermally-averaged properties) for the spatial shape of the corrective term \(\delta \phi\)

    2. by adding the corrective term with spectral weight to obtain an accelerated multigroup flux iterate

      \[\phi^{\text{(th+1)}}_g = \phi^{\text{(th+1/2)}}_g + \xi_g \delta \phi \,,\]

      where the spectral amplitude \(\xi_g\) is obtained from an infinite medium calculation for each distinct material type.

5.5. Power Iterations

For eigenvalue problems, the problem has the following form:

\[L\Psi = M\Sigma\Phi + \frac{1}{k_\text{eff}}MF\Phi\]

To solve this system of equation, the Power Iteration (PI) method consists of iterations on the fission production term,

\[\begin{split}\begin{cases} \text{Given a fission source, solve:} & L\Psi^{\text{(o+1)}} = M\Sigma\Phi^{\text{(o+1)}} + \frac{1}{k^{\text{(o)}}_\text{eff}} M S_f^{\text{(o)}} \\ \text{Update the fission source:} & S_f^{\text{(o+1)}} = F \Phi^{\text{(o+1)}} \\ \text{Update the eigenvalue:} & k^{\text{(o+1)}}_\text{eff} = k^{\text{(o)}}_\text{eff}\frac{\|S_f^{\text{(o+1)}}\|}{\|S_f^{\text{(o)}}\|} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(o\) denotes the outer Power Iteration index (also known as the outer iteration index). At each PI, a fixed source problem has to be solved. This fixed-source problem also requires inner iterations (within-group Source Iterations, possibly thermal iterations, as well as accelerations for each of these iterative schemes):

\[L\Psi^{\text{(o+1,$i$+1)}} = M\Sigma\Phi^{\text{(o+1,$i$)}} + \frac{1}{k^{\text{(o)}}_\text{eff}} M S_f^{\text{(o)}} \,.\]

5.6. Acceleration of Power Iterations

Power Iterations can be slow to converge when the dominance ratio (ratio of the largest eigenvalue to the second largest eigenvalue) is close to 1 Reed [Ree71]. To remedy this, acceleration of Power Iterations is necessary. To do so, the second-moment method, a linearization of the variable Eddington-tensor method, is employed in OpenSn. For efficiency’s sake, a smaller number (often a single) inner iteration is perform. Thus, the PI acceleration starts by performing a standard transport sweep
\[\Psi^{\text{(o+1/2)}} = L^{-1} \left ( M\Sigma\Phi^{\text{(o)}} + \frac{1}{k^{\text{(o)}}_\text{eff}} M S_f^{\text{(o)}} \right) \,.\]

Similar to other synthetic acceleration methods, a transport equation for the angular error \(\Psi-\Psi^{\text{(o+1/2)}}\) is derived, with the variable without any superscript denoting the exact answer. However, a low-order approximation to the transport equation is employed to solve for the approximation of the scalar error \(\delta \Phi = \Phi - \Phi^{\text{(o+1/2)}}\). At this stage, this description gives rise to the Adams-Barbu method Barbu and Adams [BA23] if the diffusion is chosen as the low-order operator. Note that an eigenvalue problem that contains an inhomogeneous source term needs to be solved. Then, the flux update would be given by \(\Phi^{\text{(o+1)}} = \Phi^{\text{(o+1/2)}} + \delta\Phi\).

Rather than solving the low-order equations for the corrective term \(\delta\Phi\), one can recast the low-order equations directly in terms of the flux update \(\Phi^{\text{(o+1)}}\). When the low-order operator is chosen to be the second-moment method, a linearization of the variable Eddington-tensor method Connor Woodsford and Morel [CWM24], the scheme implemented in OpenSn is obtained:
\[(A - \Sigma_0) \vartheta + \frac{1}{\lambda}F\vartheta + R(\Psi^{\text{(o+1/2)}}) \,,\]

with \(A\) a diffusion operator, \(\Sigma_0\) a scattering operator, \(F\) the fission operator, and \(R\) the residual due to the unconverged transport-sweep step. This inhomogeneous eigenvalue problem is currently solved using a standard Power Iteration (index \(m\)).

\[(A-\Sigma_0) \vartheta^{(m+1)} = \frac{1}{\lambda^{(m)}}F\vartheta^{(m)} + R(\Psi^{\text{(o+1/2)}}) \,.\]

Upon convergence of the eigenproblem for the second-moment method, one sets

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} k^{\text{(o+1)}} & \leftarrow \lambda \\ \Phi^{\text{(o+1)}} & \leftarrow \vartheta \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

and one proceeds with a new outer iteration in transport, until convergence of the transport problem.

5.7. Uncollided-flux Treatment

In streaming regions (low-density material), in regions with low amount of scattering, and with localized small sources, the \(S_n\) method will exhibit ray effects (angular discretization error). These ray effects can be mitigated by splitting the angular flux into uncollided and collided components Hanus et al. [HHR+19]:

\[\Psi = \Psi^u + \Psi^c \,.\]

Then, the original transport problem \(L\Psi = M\Sigma \Phi + Q_{\text{ext}}\) can be split into

  1. The uncollided problem:

    \[L\Psi^u = Q_{\text{ext}}\]

    For this uncollided transport solve, one can compute the uncollided flux moments \(D\Psi^u\) and the first-collision scattering source moments

    \[Q_{\text{fc}} = M\Sigma \Phi^u\]
  2. The collided problem:

    \[\begin{split}\begin{cases} L\Psi^c & = M\Sigma \Phi^c + Q_{\text{fc}} \\ \Phi^c & = D \Psi^c \end{cases}\end{split}\]


  1. The inversion of the \(L\) operator in the uncollided problem can be done using ray tracing, thus mitigating ray effects.

  2. The collided problem is quite similar to a standard \(S_n\) so the solution techniques described early apply straightforwardly. The first-collision scattering source plays the role of the external source in this problem.

5.8. References

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